What is AD:TECH ?
AD:TECH London
The only show exclusively dedicated to Online Marketing solutions
The internet is one of the most powerful forms of media for all forms of marketing – both consumer and B2B. Most households and almost all businesses in the UK now have internet connection and broadband penetration is growing fast.
Internet marketing is coming of age. Search engines are offering a unique platform where customers identify their needs to suppliers. The growth of “pay per click” ranking and search engine optimisation is leading the revolution.
“You have to surround people now because there are so many choices, and that
has played to the strength of the Internet as a growing part of the media mix.”
- Michael Zimbalist, Executive Director, Online Publishers Association
“When we’re running the spot on TV, within 60 seconds we get a spike
on our web traffic, which suggests as we all know that our audience has gone to
their computers and, when they see something they want, they go straight onto
the web to get it” - Ian Beavis, Senior VP Marketing, Mitsubishi
Some of the facts:
-In a recent USA survey conducted by the Association of National Advertisers,
69% of those planning to re-allocate money from TV will divert that money into
the internet – the leading medium by more than 25 percentage points.
13% of all marketing spend goes on the internet and it is the fastest growing
area of spend in marketing.
-Internet advertising spend in the UK is
forecast to grow by over 50% in 2004. - Advertising Association
The event for Online Marketing, AD:TECH London will explore end to end solutions for on-line marketing. From website design, search engine marketing, optimisation, content provision through to online research, reporting and campaign management.
If you are a Marketing Manager/Director with online marketing responsibility, Online Marketing Manager, Agency Executive, Brand Manager, Technical Manager, Webmaster, Content Owner….or anyone affected by or involved with Online Marketing, you need to attend AD:TECH London.
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